Who can use this feature?
Staff users only
First see how to set up Zapier with Qwil.
You can use the wide range of Zapier compatible softwares to trigger a message being sent by Qwil.
To send a message on your behalf:
- Click Create Zap
- Now you need to select a trigger. This will be the condition that causes a message to be sent on Qwil. It can be any event across any app that Zapier supports. Once you have set and tested the trigger you can move onto the action.
- Search for Qwil Messenger in the action. When you click on Qwil you will be prompted to choose an event, select "Send a text message"
- You will now need to fill in the Chat ID and the message Text you wish to send into that chat.
You can locate this ID by going in the details tab of your chat, and copy the value at the bottom of the tab, under the label 'Chat ID'. Then enter the message you wish to send into this chat. - Test and publish your Zap to go live.