With Qwil Messenger you can join video calls anytime, from any device, even if you don't have a Qwil account. Instead of having to download an app or sign up for an account, all you need to do is click on the link provided by the host and join the call. By joining as a guest, you can still participate fully in the call, including video, audio, and chat features, without needing to create an account or install any software.
What to expect?
- When you join a call as a guest you'll need to provide your name and request access to the call.
- A host must accept your request to join the call.
- You can reuse the link while the meeting is active.
- Hosts may revoke guest links. If your link is no longer valid contact the host that invited you.
To join a meeting as a guest:
On web:
- Click the meeting invite link you received from the host, for example in your email or calendar invitation.
- A new tab will open. Enter your name and click on Join meeting.
- When prompted, allow Qwil to use your microphone and camera.
- On the landing page, you can test your microphone and video. Click Join meeting.
- Wait until a host accepts your request to join. Once accepted, you'll be in the call.
On mobile:
- Click the meeting invite link you received from the host, for example in your email or calendar invitation.
- You will be navigated to your mobile browser. Enter you name and tap on Join meeting.
- When prompted allow Qwil to use your microphone and camera.
- On the landing page, you can test your microphone and video. Tap Join meeting.
- Wait until a host accepts your request to join. Once accepted, you'll be in the call.