Who can use this feature?
Qwil Scheduler allows you to add a booking option to your profile or set booking links for multiple event types. By default, when you first set up Qwil Scheduler you will have a 30 minute event. In this guide we will show you how to change the event type displayed in your profile.
Step 1: Open Scheduler Settings
If you have already set up Qwil Scheduler, click on Scheduler in the left hand menu and then Click Edit scheduler settings.
If you haven't yet set up Qwil scheduler please follow our guides for setting up Qwil Scheduler.
Step 2: Change the event type on your profile
When a user clicks on your profile in Qwil, they will be presented the option to book a meeting with you. This will be your default event type. To change this to a new event, click the Use on Qwil Profile button.