Who can use this feature?
All users
Signing out is quick and easy and can be done on desktop and mobile — and of course, you can Sign back in anytime.
But more importantly, you don't need to sign out each time. Think of Qwil desktop like "Outlook" which stays open so you can make sure you receive messages and notifications. Qwil on mobile is like WhatsApp which is in the background and you can securely access the app to see or send a message.
The only time you would need to log out of the app is if you are using a public computer.
To sign out from your current device:
On web:
- From your desktop, click on your profile.
- Click on Log Out.
- On the confirmation modal, click Log out.
On mobile:
- Tap on the menu icon
- Tap on settings
- Tap on Sign out from this device.
Sign out of other sessions:
If you've lost your phone, or used Qwil on a public computer and forgotten to sign out, you can sign out of other sessions from the desktop and mobile app with the click of a button.
On web:
- From your desktop, click on your profile.
- Navigate to Account & settings and click Devices.
- You will see a list of all active browsers, mobile, and desktop sessions.
- Choose the session you wish to sign out of.
- Click on the trash icon
- Confirm you wish to sign out.
On mobile:
- Tap on the menu icon
- Tap on settings
- Tap on Devices.
- Tap on the
- Confirm you wish to sign out.