Qwil Messenger is an invitation-only platform so you can’t self-register to use the app. This is done to ensure that everyone’s identity is trusted and verified (i.e. that you are who you say you are).
Once you’ve been invited to join an organisation, you’ll need to accept the invitation and set up your Qwil account.
Note: Internet Explorer is not supported. You must use a modern browser to accept your invitation (we recommend Chrome).
To accept an invitation as a new Qwil user:
- Check your inbox for an email invitation from Qwil Messenger. Make sure you click on the latest email.
- Click Accept invitation.
- Click on Create a new account.
- Create a username and password. Your username must be at least 6 characters long, and contain at least one letter with no spaces or special characters (not an email). See password requirements.
- Add a phone number to set up 2-step verification.
Note: Make sure you add your country code (i.e. +44) The flag icon will display your country to confirm you have entered your number correctly. Do not manually change the flag icon as this will save an incorrect number.
Note: The organisation that invited you may have already included your phone number in the invitation. If that is the case, skip to step 6.
- You will receive an SMS code. Enter the SMS code and click Verify.
- Your invitation will be accepted.
If you already have a Qwil Messenger account and you have received an invitation from another organisation see Accept an invitation as an existing Qwil user.
If you are having trouble accepting your invitation check out our troubleshooting articles.
Note: You will receive a daily email invitation reminder for 30 days with a new link to accept it. Only the latest invitation link will be valid, even if there are multiple unexpired invitations that have been sent to you. Make sure you click on your most recent email invitation and check your Spam folder if you cannot see any new invitations in your normal inbox.