Note: We have simplified the process of setting up your servicing model within your Qwil, with the introduction of client teams. With client teams you can define your teams of staff users, and any time you onboard a client, simply assign them to their assigned team. This means no more individually adding staff members to groups and no more need for a group per client.
Who can use this feature?
System & User administrators only
Your organisation on Qwil Messenger is composed of two user types Staff and Clients with Client Teams (previously Contact books/groups) that are used to connect users to each other. In essence, you are the one creating the address book for every client user in the organisation so that clients and staff know who they can start a chat with. Clients can only start a chat with a staff member within their contacts.
Do refer to our Guide to onboarding your users to Qwil Messenger for further details on how to replicate your coverage model in Qwil and understand the relationship between staff, client teams and clients.
A Client Team is a collection of users which populates a client's contacts in the application. Staff will see all clients and staff in their contacts, clients can only see the staff members in the team that cover them. Both staff and clients can belong to many Client Teams. In practice you will create at least one Client Team with your staff who cover those clients. Just like your coverage model, not all staff see all clients and not all clients can contact all staff. This is key for privacy.
Who can create client teams?
You need to be a "user admin" to do so (Understand roles and permissions) and have the administration tab in your browse side menu.
What to expect?
- You can create clients teams to replicate for staff and for client relationships (ie which team cover which clients). Only requires a name and you can include staff and all the clients which that team cover
- When you invite a client, simply add them to the main or default Client Team (or you can create a new one with different staff members).
- Client teams can be updated at any time with new staff and clients added/removed or invited according to your business.
- Staff are not required to be in a client teams when first invited as they can search the directory. Staff can only see a client contact if they are in a client team with them to ensure privacy at all times.
- For Clients, they must be added to a client team with one active staff user in it. This means that the staff user must have accepted their invitation before you can invite a client.
What is next?
Start setting up.
You are now ready for creating your client teams and inviting clients. Because of the way Qwil Messenger replicates your client relationships, we recommend you follow this order when setting up:
- Invite staff members and wait to accept the invite
- Add staff members to Default Client Teams or Create new ones
- Invite Client users
- Select Default Client Teams or Create Client Teams