Who can use this feature?
System administrators only
Every chat and action taken on Qwil Messenger is recorded in your organisation's secure cloud allowing you to comply with regulatory requirements. As a system administrator, you can grant a specific staff user access to locate conversations undertaken in your organisation and review/export the transcript via our web app.
There are 3 different access levels for Data Reviewer:
- Level 1. User can view and review connected client chat data only - users with this permission can find any conversation where a client who is in their contact list is a participant.
- Level 2. All client conversations - users with this permission can find any conversation where a client is a participant.
- Level 3. All conversations - users with this permission can find any conversation that has taken place in your organisation.
- Level 1 and Level 2 have limitations in terms of number of chats downloaded in transcript
Note: Qwil Messenger does not have access to any chat data. At all times, chat data is controlled and managed by your organisation in line with stringent security and regulatory requirements. Enabling chat audit functionality is decided and managed by each organisation.
To grant a user data reviewer permissions:
- From your desktop, click on the admin menu .
- Locate the user you wish to grant auditing permissions to and click on their record to open their user page.
- Click on the tab called Permissions.
- In the dropdown select the access level you wish to grant (see above).
- Click Save.
- The user will now have a new menu to access data reviewer functionalities.