A contact list made especially for you
In Qwil Messenger contact lists are curated and defined specifically for you and are and controlled by the organisation that invited you. This means you can be sure that only the right people can see and chat to you.
Your address book on Qwil is not harvested from your device, or from your personal contact list, but created and managed by your organisation. This means that your personal data is always safe and remains private.
You may be covered by a Team of staff, in this case, you will see all the staff that you can start a chat with. Clients only see Staff members in their contact list.
Can I add more contacts?
Please note, you cannot edit your contact list as this is managed by the organisation's administrator. Also, you will have a different contact list for each organisation that you use on Qwil.
If you are missing a contact, inform one of your staff contacts so they can update your address book.
Chat to the expert
An important feature of Qwil is that other users you share a chat with can invite new participants to the chat even if they are not in your contacts. This can be really useful if you need to consult an expert. Imagine you are having a conversation with your wealth manager and you'd like to consult a tax expert in the same company; your wealth manager can add the tax expert to the conversation and they can see the entire history of the conversation so they can reply in context. These participants (not in your contact list) can chat to you in the context of the chat you share, but cannot contact you directly.
How do I see my contact list?
To see your contacts navigate to the contact menu on the left-hand side. All your contacts will be listed there. You can start a chat with any of your contacts or add them to an existing chat.
Tip: On a contact's page you can see a list of all the chats you share with them well as what documents they have shared with you.