Who can use this feature?
System & User administrators only
Your organisation on Qwil Messenger is composed of two user types Staff and Clients with Client Teams that are used to connect users to each other. You are the one assigning the client team so that your clients know who they can start a chat with. Once you have set up your teams, onboarding a new client to Qwil is as simple as filling in their details, and assigning them to the correct team.
Client users are the external users that you invite to use the system to be provided services from you. As opposed to staff that can search for other staff, Client users can only see contacts you have defined in their client team. This is why client teams always have to be set up first and a staff included before an invitation is sent.
Do refer to our Guide to onboarding your users to Qwil Messenger for further details on how to replicate your coverage model in Qwil and understand the relationship between staff, client teams and clients.
What to expect?
- To import your clients you will first need to have created manually or imported client teams to our system.
- Once you've populated the excel template for all the Client users and assigned them to their client teams, they will all be receiving an email invite on a daily basis until accepted. Details on how to check the status and amend details here.
- Once an invitation is accepted, the client member will see the staff members and other members of the Client team. The Staff covering the client will also receive a notification through the Butler.
You must wait until your staff users have accepted their invitation to join Qwil Messenger before you can invite your clients to the platform. This is because clients must belong to a client team where there is at least one active staff user.
Populate and upload your clients' Excel (CSV) file.
- As an admin user, navigate to the administration menu and click on Clients.
- Click on the Import button.
- Download the client CSV template.
Populate the CSV template as per the example below. Make sure you put the following values in each of the columns:
Note: If you have set up a default client team, and the Group identifiers and Group UUID are left empty, the client will be assigned to the default client team
More explanation on each field is included below.
- Upload your populated CSV using the Select file button.
Note: You can select the checkbox "Ignore entries with identifiers already in use" to avoid creating duplicates. If you do not click this checkbox and you try to upload a duplicated record you will see an error.
- Once you have uploaded your file click Import.
- Click Done. Your client invitations will be created.
Note: CSV templates do not keep the phone number formatting when the file is closed (i.e. the +44). You can use this formula in a separate spreadsheet ="+" & [cell ref] it will add the '+ to the cells its already in and paste it as value in the CSV column again.
Click on this article for a worked example:
Import your Users in 2 minutes (worked example)
What is next?
Uploading your users to the platform can be done as a combination of manual client invitations or import of your user data. You can upload your users in batches (this means you don't have to upload everyone at once) or even upload your clients by the staff member that covers them.
Because of the way Qwil Messenger replicates your client relationships, you need to follow a specific order when adding client teams and users: