Who can use this feature?
System administrators only
Welcome to Qwil Messenger.
It is great to have your organisation on board.
Chat has fundamentally changed the way we communicate with our family and friends. You now have the same technology, albeit secure and compliant, for your workplace enabling staff to provide better service to clients and streamline processes.
But having a tool is not sufficient to making it a success. How it is positioned and rolled out are key and we have provided some useful tips below gathered from 1,000s or organisations.
Remember: Start simple. 80% of the efficiencies to be gained are just getting staff to communicate with their clients. You can always look to integrate and automate in a second stage.
What to expect?
- We are well aware that there is resistance (on your staff side) to change and embrace new technology. We've even summarised the top 6 pushbacks and answers in this article.
- Qwil (and chat) is so simple, but so disruptive at the same time. However, as with mobile phones, once Qwil is accepted, there is no turning back.
- It opens up huge potential for efficiencies that will come naturally to your staff if everyone is aligned.
- Clients understand the need for security and privacy. Daily phishing and fraud attempts on their emails means they are open for a simple and convenient solution. Even the older generation are on social chat, and they will love the desktop version of Qwil.
Day 0: Getting all stakeholders aligned
A successful deployment has to be embraced by all stakeholders. We know we can tick everyone's boxes so it is important for you to engage early.
- Technology. Is Qwil secure? That Qwil works is one thing, but your team needs to ensure our security meets your standards. Our security white paper is available here. We are trusted by UK's largest financial networks and asset managers who have done the same.
- Compliance / risk. How is data managed? It is your data. You have full control to meet data privacy regulation (including GDPR). You choose the location, all users consent to your terms and authorised staff can easily search all content. Basically, it takes a weight off your shoulders.
- Legal. What are the terms? Our Master Subscription Agreement details how Qwil works and our joint responsibilities.
- Business. How is it going to make our lives better? Front office understand the problems and client friction better than anyone else and here are some of the benefits. They want a simple solution now and will love Qwil. Time saved on admin, means more time to service clients.
Day 1: Tips and best practices for the roll out
- Make Qwil your own putting with your logo and colours. Communications will immediately become more professional as the purpose is clear. Adding pictures for staff is also important. Learn how to do so here.
- Onboard all staff first. A simple spreadsheet template can be completed and they will all receive an invite (instead of doing it 1 by 1). You will be amazed how quickly staff will start chatting with other staff as the look and feel is familiar.
- Communicate to staff that Qwil is the channel of choice. You now have a true alternative to WhatsApp and insecure email and all professional communications are to be done on Qwil. It is also your responsibility as an employer to control professional channels. A template email is available.
- No need for extensive training, deploy first and let them use it. Enterprise Tech is usually complex. Well not this time. Most of your staff will only have 2 options - see the contact and start a conversation with them. Share with them our guide Everything you need to know (staff) and encourage them to watch the 15 minute video. The key is knowing where to find help and answers, and that is our help centre. Every staff can also support his or her client directly.
- Be clear what Qwil is used for with clients. As Qwil is a banking grade app with only verified participants, it should be "as good as" or "better" than existing channels. A new prospect can be invited from the first meeting with their full consent. Transaction limits should be as good as email and not require call backs. Remember, you can always increase the security or checking. We have given a few examples here.
- Don't be restrictive on "use cases". There are too many. Staff and clients will figure out naturally. When you gave out a mobile phone, you didn't say you can use it for this or for that.
- Communicate to clients on your new secure and convenient channel. An email template is available here but you may take advantage of a call to introduce your new tool. Privacy and security is only good if it can be used simply. Secure inboxes, portals, password protected documents are no longer needed with Qwil. Make sure staff can help with any questions.
- Nominate staff administrators and let other staff know. These are your staff than can invite clients (and other staff). It could be all of you or an assistant. Head to our Intro to Qwil as a Staff Admin to get started.
- Invite all your clients to Qwil. This is simple to do by your staff administrators by following our guide. It is always the same process. Once you have added staff members to Client Teams (i.e. which staff cover which clients), invite a client with email and mobile number and put them in their respective Client Team. It may be one single default Client Team with all staff and all clients.
- Engage with your clients as soon as they are on board. A staff connected to a client will receive a notification via the Butler when their client has joined. This is a prompt to engage, to talk about Qwil, but also to service them. This is not normal banking technology, clients will find this fun.
Day 2: Increase the use and level of interaction
More interaction means more business. Internally that may mean fewer emails and a more streamline process. Chat helps builds relationships first with clients too. So what can be done to encourage usage?
- Encourage all users (staff and clients) to download both the desktop and mobile app. On mobile the app should ideally be on the first page. Also add the desktop app to open at login. You want new messages to be seen and the level of interaction increased. To ensure clients download the mobile app, send them this link https://qwil.io/get-app.html by text.
- Redirect emails to Qwil. Removing email use will not change overnight but can change quickly. We have seen it in our personal lives. Soon we will have a tool to reply to forward an email to Qwil and reply but in the mean time, we recommend you reply to the email with a standard message that secure communications are conducted on Qwil Messenger.
Brainstorm with staff on current processes and how Qwil can help things better. Now you have a secure channel with only verified participants, it is a great opportunity to rethink processes with the team.
- How can we simplify our client onboarding?
- What documents could be sent to clients?
- Do you want to setup secure customer support?
- Do we need signatures for everything?
- Do we need a portal now?
- Automate sending messages and statements to staff and clients. We have simple excel based tools so that staff can send messages and documents via the Butler function to all users. Market updates? Company notifications? Learn more here.
- Encourage other firms to have Qwil too. Maybe one of your clients would like to use Qwil with his/her staff? Could your accountant benefit from sharing document you on their Qwil? Qwil is a common app for that reason and being as staff member of one organisation and a client of another will naturally increase communication.
Day 3: What next?
- Integration. As a standalone platform, Qwil works. Staff can easily communicate, drag and drop documents and log chats by downloading the transcript. But you can go much further. We have over 45 APIs to integrate in your CRM (Salesforce), connect to your Active Directory, and to any other systems. We are just the secure channel between users but can become the glue between all of them.
- We are only getting started. Some features you may realise you need and we know it. You can be sure many will be delivered soon. We will make sure you are updated but do come to our website to see for yourself.