There are a number of reasons why you may face an error with the setup of your connector. Below is a list of the error codes, an explanation and resolution.
Error Message | Reason | Resolution |
Custom Metadata Settings Type for Qwil Salesforce Connector not found. | Your Salesforce Administrator has not correctly setup a custom metadata tye record. | Complete step 4 of the connector setup process. |
The contact email field <field name> on this Salesforce object does not exist. Please check the field mappings in your custom metadata settings. | You have mapped the email field for your client to a Salesforce API name on the current object that does not exist. | Check the field name you are trying to map and ensure the correct value is entered in the Client Email Field API Name attribute on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
The staff ID field <field name> on the user entity does not exist. Please check the field mappings in your custom metadata settings. | You have mapped the unique identifier value for your staff member to a Salesforce API name on the User object that does not exist. | Check the field name you are trying to map and ensure the correct value is entered in the Staff ID Field API Name attribute on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
The staff ID field <staff field> on user entity does not contain any data. Please check the field mappings in your custom metadata settings. | The field used to map a staff user to their Qwil record cannot be blank. | Check the field name you are trying to map and ensure the correct value is entered in the Staff ID Field API Name attribute on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
The client Secure Phone field <client field> on this Salesforce object does not exist. Please check the field mappings in your custom metadata settings. | You have mapped the secure phone number field for your client to a Salesforce API name on the current object that does not exist. | Check the field name you are trying to map and ensure the correct value is entered in the Client Secure Phone No.Field Api Name attribute on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
The client First Name field <client field> on this Salesforce object does not exist. Please check the field mappings in your custom metadata settings. | You have mapped the First Name field for your client to a Salesforce API name on the current object that does not exist. | Check the field name you are trying to map and ensure the correct value is entered in the Client First Name Field API Name attribute on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
The client Last Name field <client field> on this Salesforce object does not exist. Please check the field mappings in your custom metadata settings. | You have mapped the Last Name field for your client to a Salesforce API name on the current object that does not exist. | Check the field name you are trying to map and ensure the correct value is entered in the Client Last Name Field API Name attribute on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
Super Key option is incorrectly checked in metadata settings. | You have incorrectly specified that you are using a Super API key when you are not. | Uncheck the field Using Super API Key on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
Super Key option not checked in metadata settings | You have incorrectly specified that you are not using a Super API key when you are not. | Check the field Using Super API Key on the Custom Metadata Type settings. |
No Named Credential record found named "Qwil Messenger Salesforce Connector" | You have not created a correctly named Named Credential record. | Complete step 3 of the connector setup process. |
The Named Credential record contains an invalid URL path. | The URL path you have specified is not correct. | Please check the region name you are using and ensure you have correctly entered your URL path as described in step 3 of the connector setup process. |
API couldn't be authenticated. See your administrator for help. | There is a problem with the setup of the API Key details in the Salesforce Named Credentials record. | Confirm you have correctly followed step 3 of the connector setup process. In particular, make sure you have entered the API Key Value in the Username field, and the API Key Secret in the Password field. Also confirm the correct options are selected as per the instructions. |
You are not an active Qwil user. See your administrator for help. | The staff user accessing the client record on Salesforce is not an active user in the Qwil Tenancy. | Create the Salesforce User on Qwil Messenger as a Staff User to allow access to the connector. |
This client is Active, Pending or Suspended in more than one Qwil tenancy. See your administrator for help. | When using Super API keys that span multiple tenancies for a single firm, clients can only be active in one tenancy at a time. | Use the Qwil Messenger admin interface to adjust the status of the records to meet the requirement. |
Client has been deactivated on multiple Qwil tenancy you belong to. See your administrator for help. | When using Super API keys that span multiple tenancies for a single firm, clients can have had records in multiple tenancies. This error occurs when the staff user viewing the client is active in more than one of these tenancies. | In this scenario, we are unable to resolve a single tenancy to display in the connector. Please use the native Qwil Messenger features available to view and access the Qwil data. |
This client is either active, pending or suspended in another tenancy. They must first be deactivated from all other tenancies before you can invite them to your Qwil. | When using Super API keys that span multiple tenancies for a single firm, clients can have had records in multiple tenancies. If a user is still active in a tenancy that the viewing staff member cannot access, then they are unable to interact with the client's Qwil record. | Have a user administrator deactivate the client's access at the other tenancy to allow access. |
This instance of Salesforce is not within the API CIDR range. See your administrator for help. | The Salesforce region where you are hosted has not been specified as an allowed IP CIDR block for the API in Qwil Messenger. | Check that you have correctly performed step 2 of the connector setup process. |
This API Key has been deactivated. See your administrator for help. | The API key you have created in Qwil Messenger has been deactivated. | Check your key status in Qwil and if required performed again step 2 of the connector setup process. |
This API key does not have the required permissions. See your administrator for help. | The API key you have created in Qwil Messenger does not have the correct permissions assigned. | Check your key status in Qwil and if required performed again step 2 of the connector setup process. |
What next?
Qwil Messenger Salesforce Connector Overview
Qwil Messenger Salesforce Connector: Installation and Setup Guide